Abracon | GPSDO


Abracon GPS Disciplined Oscillators (GPSDOs) merge the stability of an Oven-Controlled Crystal Oscillator (OCXO) with the precise timing signals from GNSS satellites, providing highly accurate and reliable timing.

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GPS Disciplined OCXOs

Abracon offers several GPSDOs whether you have your own receiver and need to input a 1PPS signal, the complete package with the GNSS receiver built in, or one with a built in 1588 Precision Time Protocol (PTP) chip, we got you covered

GPS Disciplined OCXO
Series Size Stability Holdover Widest
Temp Range
Inputs Outputs Highlight Inventory
ABCM-51 51 x 51 0.1 ppb 1.5us/24h -40°C ~ 85°C 5 V 1 PPS 1PPS and 10 MHz CMOS Check Inventory
ABCM-60 60 x 60 14 Pin 0.1 ppb 1.5us/24h -40°C ~ 85°C 5 V GNSS Signal 1PPS and 10 MHz CMOS Built in Dual Mode GNSS Receiver Check Inventory

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