Abracon | Tuning Fork Crystal Temp Stability Prediction Tool

Tuning Fork Crystal Temp Stability Prediction Tool

Abracon presents the perfect tool for estimating tuning fork crystal stability over temperature

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AUSTIN, TX – Abracon, LLC (Abracon), The Heartbeat of the IoT® a leading global manufacturer of frequency control, timing, synchronization, RF, connectivity and power components presents the perfect tool for estimating tuning fork crystal stability over temperature. Tuning fork quartz crystals operating at 32.768kHz typically present parabolic dependence between resonant frequency and temperature with the greatest deviation from center frequency occurring at the lowest and highest operating temperatures. Tuning fork crystals govern the real time and other time critical functions of our most common devices. For devices requiring precision and temperature compensation, knowing the exact curve of the temperature drift is important.

Although estimating the frequency over temperature drift of any tuning fork crystal can be done using datasheet parameters, this unique Excel based tool quickly estimates the minimum, maximum and typical drift for a given crystal series. Easy to use, selection of the crystal series and desired offset is all the is necessary to determine the center frequency of the crystal.

Download: Tuning Fork Crystal Temp Stability Prediction Tool

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About Abracon, LLC | The Heartbeat of the IoT®

Founded in 1992, and headquartered in Spicewood, Texas, Abracon is a leading global manufacturer of passive and electromechanical timing, synchronization, power, connectivity and RF solutions. Abracon offers a wide selection of quartz timing crystals and oscillators, MEMS oscillators, real time clocks (RTC), Bluetooth modules, SAW filters and resonators, power and RF inductors, transformers, RF antennas and wireless charging coils. The company is ISO9001-2015 certified with design & application engineering resources in Texas and sales offices in Texas, California, China, Taiwan, Singapore, Scotland, Israel, Hungary, UK, and Germany. Abracon’s products are offered through its global distribution network.

For more information about Abracon, visit www.abracon.com

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