Abracon | Abracon Awards Jeff Ray with 2019 Executive Partnership…

Abracon Awards Jeff Ray with 2019 Executive Partnership Award

Abracons Executive Partnership Award recognizes an individual who most closely align with Abracons guiding principles of prompt and diligent customer service, technical expertise, and high levels of integrity that build value with customers. The winner of the 2019 award, Jeff Ray, Vice President of Corporate Product Management & Supplier Marketing at TTI, Inc., has been crucial in aligning the right product mix for successful mutual growth, and he has done a tremendous job aligning the global business leaders to lead with Abracon.

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AUSTIN, TX – Abracon, LLC (Abracon), a leading global manufacturer of frequency control, timing, synchronization, RF, connectivity, and power component solutions awards the 2019 Americas Executive Partnership Award to Jeff Ray, Vice President of Corporate Product Management & Supplier Marketing at TTI, Inc.

The Executive Partnership awards are presented to the individuals who most closely align with Abracon’s guiding principles of prompt and diligent customer service, technical expertise, and high levels of integrity that build value with customers. Effective asset management practices and a committed strategy of investment in Abracon inventory complement these qualities, helping customers find complete technology solutions.

Ray played a key role in his team winning the 2019 fastest growing distributor award, and he is already blazing a strong path for 2020. The Abracon team wanted to make sure Jeff was recognized as a key executive partner for going above and beyond for supporting Abracon.

"We think it is very important to recognize people who do extraordinary things to make us successful," said Abracon CEO Michael Calabria. "Jeff ensures that our meetings contain all the key people who can make decisions and help us be successful together. Jeff even extended himself past the Americas to help us kick off our partnership in EMEA.”

Ray’s leadership has been crucial in aligning the right product mix for successful mutual growth, and he has done a tremendous job aligning the global business leaders to lead with Abracon.

About Abracon, LLC | Innovation For Tomorrow's Designs

Headquartered outside of Austin, Texas, Abracon is a trusted supplier of leading-edge and innovative electronic components including Frequency Control, Timing, Power, Magnetics, RF and Antenna solutions. Servicing world-class companies across the data communication, transportation, industrial, medical, consumer, aerospace, and defense industries, Abracon accelerates customers’ time-to-market by providing unmatched product solutions, technical expertise, and service excellence.

Learn more at www.abracon.com

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